Shout Out

Shout out to Landon Donovan and Team USA!! For winning your Group and making us so proud. You guys have all of my support for the remainder of the World Cup, now beat Ghana!! USA! USA !USA!

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Monday, March 22, 2010

I Can't Sleep

I can't sleep, so I guess I'll write down some random thoughts: 

Its funny how a lot of us were SO euphoric when the President was elected, but NOW all of a sudden, everyone seems to have some problem with him. I truly believe a lot of it stems from him being elected President, as a black man, also, the GOP has had a mighty hand in the "fear tactics"... Its modern day Jingoism, except, Health Care Reform was used.  That has added to alot of the division that's happened in this country. First it was, "Obama is a muslim", then it went to, "Obama is a socialist", too "Obama is the antichrist". I've noticed over the last few years, that Americans will believe damn near anything.

I believe in God 100%, but religion and the bible? Those are man made creations, so who knows WHAT to truly believe. I mean, we are following a book, that was written and told the stories of Christ, thousands of years ago, and we actually attempt to apply it to modern days. You always hear people say "times change, and you need to learn to adapt" yet, we follow a book, with no tangible evidence supporting it, and expect that and all whom "preach it" or "live it" to tell us its true? Question: God spoke to and thru alot of people during the stories of the bible, yet, he doesn't speak to us? I mean, when was the last time God appeared as a burning bush outside of your home or asked any of us to make a sacrafice to him? Umm, never, yet, we believe it because someone says too. LOL.

Really? If that's the case, then I guess when you "tithe" you are really giving money to God, huh? Why the hell would he/she need it?? To buy or pay off....what? I'm sure someone will come back with the "You are giving to the house of God, not to God him/herself" blast, but if we are really "giving to God's house and lining ourselves up for blessings by giving 10% of what we make", then why are there just as many, if not more, churches in black communities, than liquor stores, yet the physical and personal outcomes of those living in  said communities has never changed? So we don't come to our own respective conclusions anymore, huh?

Half of the people who have comments about Obama and politics as a whole, don't even follow either. You can tell by how shallow and baseless, their responses are. For example: "Man, I think he's the anti-christ", or "I have a bad feeling about him", and my personal fav, "he is killing our country". Some hear tidbits of this and that, and form what they consider to be "concrete observations" of what's true and what isn't. I believe the man is doing the best he can, under a flawed ass political, governance, and integrity-less system, that rewards the rich and murders the rest of us. Where were ALL of these people the last 8 years? Where were the Tea Party rallys then? We're all looking at the President's performance in office and want to "personalize it", meaning, what has he done for me? Last I checked, he was the President of the United States, and that covers all borders, cities, towns, and people. I commend the man, process, and completion, of a reform that's been 90 years in the making.  If only we can start doing what's right by each other, and stop the BS divide, that has us all at a standstill, maybe the world will be better place. 

Who am I kidding, we all have our vices, quirks, and opinions, and we are sticking to them--no matter how untrue or baseless, we are going to continue to do what it is, we believe...but is that actually right?

Diatribe over.

Dwayne L.

1 comment:

SiaDreams said...

I guess the biggest question is do you believe that sticking to the vices, quirks, and opinions are right even if they are created simply to reject anything that appears to be "established"?


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