Shout Out

Shout out to Landon Donovan and Team USA!! For winning your Group and making us so proud. You guys have all of my support for the remainder of the World Cup, now beat Ghana!! USA! USA !USA!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

In Uniform

Millions of Americans wake up and put on a uniform to go to work everyday. Some are Firemen, Mechanics, Cooks, or even Nurses. Yet, the uniform I'm speaking of, is one that I wore for ten years as a member of the United States Military. The U.S. Air Force to be exact. You see, wearing that uniform meant a lot to me when I was in it daily, but now that I'm not, it resonates with me so much more.

To know that every time I put the blouse, pants, boots, and beret on, I was representing America, was surreal. The totality of representation and responsibility never fully hits you until you start looking back on your time served...well, at least in my case anyway. There were some great, good, bad, and terrible times, but I don't regret a single moment. If I were to convey, via this blog, everything my time in the USAF meant, it would take a lifetime, but I can say this with complete contrition: I truly miss it.

I miss the Formations, Guardmounts, Salutes, F.O.D (Foreign Object Damage) walks, Commander's Calls, Deployments, and Exercises to say a few, but more than anything, I miss the people. Nothing can compare or replace the camaraderie, spirit, or life journeys, experienced with all I served with, and got to know personally. I have made friends for life. People from different walks of life, backgrounds, and nationalities.

People from Iowa, Washington state, Oregon, California, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Japan, to name a few. All because our respective paths crossed during our time in uniform. I'm sure the college campus experience can offer a feel similar to the aforementioned, but everyone is there for individual reasons. In the military, some may have joined for individual reasons, but that changed as soon as you arrived at Basic Training.

The people always make or break any job situation and I can honestly say, I served with the best people I've ever known. Thousands of them. From North Dakota to Guam, I met some of the best people God created. And you know what, I don't want to do my childhood over again, nor my High School days, but if I could do it all again, from Basic Training, to my final out, I a New York Minute.

Of course I'd change a minor thing or two, but even if I were tasked to do it all again, the EXACT same way, I would. To all of you still in uniform, you have my unwavering respect, love, and admiration. Damn, if I just be called Sergeant Shephard one more time....well, I guess that's what dreams are for....right?

Dwayne L.

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