Shout Out

Shout out to Landon Donovan and Team USA!! For winning your Group and making us so proud. You guys have all of my support for the remainder of the World Cup, now beat Ghana!! USA! USA !USA!

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Random Thoughts

I am a fan of love. I really am. 100% sure the few who "truly" know me will beg to differ, but I am a major fan of it. Major as in, I've learned to appreciate and value the precious gift that It's so funny I should write this, being that I have just become a fan of the aforementioned in the past two years. I can go on for days, explaining why and how I've reached this point, but that's for another time. But to answer the question of: Why am I such a "fan" of love? There is NOTHING on earth that can match the electricity and adrenaline mix that is love. On the flip side, there is NOTHING worse feeling than giving your mind, body and soul to someone, who seems to care lesser than less and ultimately stomps on your heart. Oh, and the fact that I've have been on both sides of love (Happiness/Heartbreak) and both sides of game (Gamed/Gamed on). Its so crazy how your perceptions change when you hit "fandom".
Honestly, we all WANT love, yet when some of us receive/have it, we treat it as if it's cancer. We don't want it. I mean, we want it like say....a scarf, but we don't need it in a life or death manner to stay warm. There are a many of men and women out there WISHING they had someone, and the individual who is in the "Taking all aspects of the relationship for granted" phase is just enjoying the dangerous ride. After all I've been through, I just want to be happy. I'm sure I share that sentiment with a lot of people, but i seriously just want to be happy. I don't want 4 to 5 women, trying to get my playa, I want one women. One that I appreciate and respect. And she that way about I. The reason I wrote that last blurb was to say this: Communication, Honesty, and Integrity, will ALWAYS lead to a successful relationship.
If you aren't willing to offer ALL three when you enter into said relationship, you are turning over the hourglass for heartbreak, and gearing to throw it all away.
I believe in love. I really do. Ensuring those three elements listed above are woven together, will keep the two in love, woven together.

Dwayne L.

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