Shout Out

Shout out to Landon Donovan and Team USA!! For winning your Group and making us so proud. You guys have all of my support for the remainder of the World Cup, now beat Ghana!! USA! USA !USA!

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Questions? Part III

Why can't I go back in time and just be 16 again...for one day?!?

Have you ever noticed that Americans are split down the middle on every single important issue? The only time we seem to have a common agreement on anything, are in times of crisis (War, Natural Disaster, Terrorism), but that's only short lived because of our quick attention spans--is it so hard to just take that SAME united spirit and apply it to actually correcting the U.S.' myriad of issues?

When is Reality TV going to end?

Do people go to their High School Reunions for the following:
A. Re-ignite school spirit and reminisce on old times, classmates, and teachers
B. See those few people with whom they were close and lost contact
C. Show off what they've become, versus, what you/they haven't--and to put it all up in someones damn face!....?

--I definitely choose the latter on that one....

If you really stop and listen to rap lyrics, it really makes you start to wonder: Why the hell would ANYONE actually enjoy listening too such blatant black on black violence, ignorance, misogyny, vain, homophobic, degrading, look-at-me, drugs/crime embracing, community deprecating, form of music as.....entertainment and a lifestyle to live by?

If you really just listened to the content of said music, and not the talented deliveries, would you truly be astounded by what was said above?

How many times have you seen the movie Friday?

What about Nightmare On Elm Street?

When did people become famous...for just being famous?

Does anyone watch ESPN as much as I do? If so/not, is that weird?

What immediately crossed your mind on 9/11?

Do you ever tell your true friends that you love them?

How many people do you believe will be at your funeral? Do you think they will mean what's said about you?

Who decided that we needed to pay for water, gas, and electric? Huh, who?

How does Bush sleep at night, knowing that he sent 4,000 young men and women, to their deaths.....for........? I was over there, and still don't know.

Is there really "nothing new under the sun"?

Why do we talk to our kids as we spank them? Who started that? Was I really supposed to answer those long-winded questions, as I attempt to save my own life? Was I, really? Huh?

Why did mom/grandma always tell you to GET a switch, KNOWING, we're coming back with something survivable....yet, she goes back outside and gets a baseball bat off of the tree to attempt murder on me with...hey, why the hell send me in the first place woman? Was it to make you madder?

I wonder what my future wife, whom I've yet to even meet, is doing right now?

Dwayne L.

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