Monday, March 29, 2010
Deep Thought Of The Day:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Poem: Dreams
Dwayne L.
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Can't Sleep
Its funny how a lot of us were SO euphoric when the President was elected, but NOW all of a sudden, everyone seems to have some problem with him. I truly believe a lot of it stems from him being elected President, as a black man, also, the GOP has had a mighty hand in the "fear tactics"... Its modern day Jingoism, except, Health Care Reform was used. That has added to alot of the division that's happened in this country. First it was, "Obama is a muslim", then it went to, "Obama is a socialist", too "Obama is the antichrist". I've noticed over the last few years, that Americans will believe damn near anything.
I believe in God 100%, but religion and the bible? Those are man made creations, so who knows WHAT to truly believe. I mean, we are following a book, that was written and told the stories of Christ, thousands of years ago, and we actually attempt to apply it to modern days. You always hear people say "times change, and you need to learn to adapt" yet, we follow a book, with no tangible evidence supporting it, and expect that and all whom "preach it" or "live it" to tell us its true? Question: God spoke to and thru alot of people during the stories of the bible, yet, he doesn't speak to us? I mean, when was the last time God appeared as a burning bush outside of your home or asked any of us to make a sacrafice to him? Umm, never, yet, we believe it because someone says too. LOL.
Really? If that's the case, then I guess when you "tithe" you are really giving money to God, huh? Why the hell would he/she need it?? To buy or pay off....what? I'm sure someone will come back with the "You are giving to the house of God, not to God him/herself" blast, but if we are really "giving to God's house and lining ourselves up for blessings by giving 10% of what we make", then why are there just as many, if not more, churches in black communities, than liquor stores, yet the physical and personal outcomes of those living in said communities has never changed? So we don't come to our own respective conclusions anymore, huh?
Half of the people who have comments about Obama and politics as a whole, don't even follow either. You can tell by how shallow and baseless, their responses are. For example: "Man, I think he's the anti-christ", or "I have a bad feeling about him", and my personal fav, "he is killing our country". Some hear tidbits of this and that, and form what they consider to be "concrete observations" of what's true and what isn't. I believe the man is doing the best he can, under a flawed ass political, governance, and integrity-less system, that rewards the rich and murders the rest of us. Where were ALL of these people the last 8 years? Where were the Tea Party rallys then? We're all looking at the President's performance in office and want to "personalize it", meaning, what has he done for me? Last I checked, he was the President of the United States, and that covers all borders, cities, towns, and people. I commend the man, process, and completion, of a reform that's been 90 years in the making. If only we can start doing what's right by each other, and stop the BS divide, that has us all at a standstill, maybe the world will be better place.
Who am I kidding, we all have our vices, quirks, and opinions, and we are sticking to them--no matter how untrue or baseless, we are going to continue to do what it is, we believe...but is that actually right?
Diatribe over.
Dwayne L.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Special: The word itself is defined as: particular(a): unique or specific to a person or thing or category; "the particular demands of the job
In this particular's just random observations on life. I have been blessed to travel this earth, meet eclectic people, and have wonderful moments of clarity ....some, as viewed through the windows of my soul and felt in my heart:
I met someone special this past week.
I have a daughter that is so special to me.
I have a special ability to be very affable to everyone who meets me.
I crave the ability to be special to someone.
I have a special affection for rain soaked afternoons.
I see the special qualities in being emotional.
Am I special to someone when I do something nice and thoughtful?
I feel the special passion that encompasses any Diana Krall selection.
I respect someone who dedicates themselves to their respective special someone.
I witnessed that special moment in time, in Washington D.C., that occurred all over the world on November 4th 2008.
Who was the special someone in the beginning of the relationship before the love went away.....the hurt one, the one who left or both?
Everyone has their own special relationship with God.
That special feeling of hearing Sade sing.
The special moments of encouragement a people felt when Sam Cook sang"Change Gon Come"
Who was that special someone Anita Baker was singing about when she recorded "My Soul's Inspiration"?
When you realize being special is about what's on the inside and not in what you have.
Listening to Luther Vandross sing was special.
Growing from a boy to a man is special.
To return from Iraq was special.
Finding your soul is special...and then knowing how to contribute to the world.
To raise a child to be more than you were, is special
Falling in love is special
To kiss someone is special.
I am special.
Dwayne L.
Kariah S. Shephard
Will I be affable enough when she has questions about "boys" and why they are so stupid? I am not sure, but I have to prepare for it. I have had a life as tough as anyone, but I REALLY believe that the only blessing I have ever received is her. I am trying to be the man and father God intended me to be....and I must admit at times it is HARD. But, look at her......I can't quit......I have to continue to evolve.
Kariah, I love you more than I can attempt to express and I am so thankful for you. I know I have told you a many of times how much Daddy loves you, but I don't think there is anything more worthy than being the father you expect me to be. I am so sorry for the mistakes I have made, but I promise I will explain them to you personally when you are old enough to understand. Thanks for being the best child a father could ever want. I love and will always love you more than life itself. For everyone/anyone reading this....thank you for reading along....but as you can tell from the pic above, can you understand why I cried for 40 straight minutes during her Kindergarder graduation.....she is beautiful....and she is my baby queen!
Dwayne L.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Questions? Part III

Why can't I go back in time and just be 16 again...for one day?!?
Have you ever noticed that Americans are split down the middle on every single important issue? The only time we seem to have a common agreement on anything, are in times of crisis (War, Natural Disaster, Terrorism), but that's only short lived because of our quick attention spans--is it so hard to just take that SAME united spirit and apply it to actually correcting the U.S.' myriad of issues?
When is Reality TV going to end?
Do people go to their High School Reunions for the following:
A. Re-ignite school spirit and reminisce on old times, classmates, and teachers
B. See those few people with whom they were close and lost contact
C. Show off what they've become, versus, what you/they haven't--and to put it all up in someones damn face!....?
--I definitely choose the latter on that one....
If you really stop and listen to rap lyrics, it really makes you start to wonder: Why the hell would ANYONE actually enjoy listening too such blatant black on black violence, ignorance, misogyny, vain, homophobic, degrading, look-at-me, drugs/crime embracing, community deprecating, form of music as.....entertainment and a lifestyle to live by?
If you really just listened to the content of said music, and not the talented deliveries, would you truly be astounded by what was said above?
How many times have you seen the movie Friday?
What about Nightmare On Elm Street?
When did people become famous...for just being famous?
Does anyone watch ESPN as much as I do? If so/not, is that weird?
What immediately crossed your mind on 9/11?
Do you ever tell your true friends that you love them?
How many people do you believe will be at your funeral? Do you think they will mean what's said about you?
Who decided that we needed to pay for water, gas, and electric? Huh, who?
How does Bush sleep at night, knowing that he sent 4,000 young men and women, to their deaths.....for........? I was over there, and still don't know.
Is there really "nothing new under the sun"?
Why do we talk to our kids as we spank them? Who started that? Was I really supposed to answer those long-winded questions, as I attempt to save my own life? Was I, really? Huh?
Why did mom/grandma always tell you to GET a switch, KNOWING, we're coming back with something survivable....yet, she goes back outside and gets a baseball bat off of the tree to attempt murder on me with...hey, why the hell send me in the first place woman? Was it to make you madder?
I wonder what my future wife, whom I've yet to even meet, is doing right now?
Dwayne L.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Deep Thought Of The Day:

1. Do they realize they aren't carrying the torch for just themselves, but the next generation to come?
2. Where are the leaders....I mean, there are plenty of followers, but where are the leaders?
3. You do realize that "Hip Hop" is a form of music, not an ACTUAL representation of black people...and that your "blackness" isn't defined by how gangsta you are, how you dress, or by the way you walk or talk....right?
4. I pray that our communities finally pull it together...although its looking rather bleak at the moment?
5. What would Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, and/or Frederick Douglas say about the state of today?
Dwayne L.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Deep Thought Of The Day:

In Uniform

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Video To Vibe 2: Let Me Show You-Michael Jackson & The Jackson 5
This song captures the magic that WAS Michael Jackson. The vocals, arraignment, and delivery, are of pure genius. You can thank me later.
Dwayne L.
Video To Vibe 2: Nicolay feat Carlitta Durand-Saturday Night
I will let the music speak for itself...
Dwayne L.
Deep Thought Of The Day:
Tiger Woods and the U.S.O.P.C.

See, Tiger lives in the times of the 24 hour news cycle, the Internet, and camera phones. Every one now has the chance to be a celeb for a second or 15 and they are shooting for it. Tiger and all of his trysts, are now of permanent record in U.S.O.P.C. (United States of Pop Culture) He cannot change that, but I commend him ahead of time, for he is about to face scrutiny no other athlete EVER has.
But those are the times we live in. I would have never thought I'd live in a world where the amount of money you make, gives some, the feeling to believe your entire personal life is free game and open for discussion. Especially when those same decision makers wouldn't wish that same level of bashing, invasion, and various radical opinions, on themselves.
I know I'm right about this, but as long as money continues to run all things, we will be continuously subjected to an endless cycle of other adults problems, that we don't have the right to listen too.
Dwayne L. Shephard
Friday, March 12, 2010
Poem: Sunshine, Rain, Storms, and Hurricanes

Sunshine, Rain, Snow Storms, and Hurricanes
pretty much covers all of my emotions, yet some seem to outweigh others...
If you closed your eyes in a darkly lit room, you can visualize all of the aforementioned
but what if your existence was a collage of them all? From conception to actuality, could it describe your life's intentions?
What if I said Sunshine was my daughter, Rain was my decision-making, Snow Storms were my friends, and Hurricanes were my family...would that be great?
What if I said Sunshine was my God, Rain was my Devil, Snow Storms were my hopes, and Hurricanes were my aspirations...could you relate?
Ok, Ok, what if I said Sunshine were my Smiles, Rain were my tears, Snow Storms were my Trials, and the Hurricanes were my is that for my fate?
Truthfully, we've all had moments where all four played in a part in any single situation
when your heart, mind, spirit, and mouth were all standing at the same train station
waiting for the ride to take you to that great unknown...its only speculation once you step aboard, and your destiny is truly known.
have you ever planned out any certain instance to the letter, only to have it fail as if you should have planned a little better?
That's how I feel about Sunshine, Rain, Snow Storms, and Hurricanes
you see, to some, Sunshine is the greatest of the four mentioned, but many prefer others.
Me, I relax on Sunny Days, Write & listen to Smooth Jazz on the Rainy days, Want to be outside during Snow Storms, and are completely mystified by the beauty of Hurricanes...
Does that make me weird? to some sure, but not to all....and that's what life is all about.
You have no idea whats going to happen tomorrow, nor to you know when your last breathe will take as I look in the mirror at this face that I recognize sometimes, I say this:
Enjoy the Sunshine, Rain, Snow Storms, and Hurricanes, because they all have a meaning, a definition, and a place...but don't get over consumed by any one more than the others, because your asking for a one sided experience in this thing called life.
Deep Thought Of The Day:
Video To Vibe 2: George Duke-Someday
For those of you who are Common fans, you should recognize the sample.
Dwayne L. Shephard
Questions? Part II

Wasn't High School the best and worst times your teenage years?
What ever happened to the Robot 'Vickie" on the television show "Small Wonder"?
Why are the things that are so bad for you (fast food, tobacco, alcohol, sweets. etc), the best?!
Why do we take love for granted?
Why wouldn't one party like a rockstar whenever they get the chance?
Why go to the club, pay $10 to $20 for parking, stand in line for an hour, pay $20 to get INTO the club, just to stand around, not dance, entertain, engage.....NOTHING! Why go?!
Is it just me, or did the 80's produce the best music?
Who in the hell decided one day "I'm going to say I'm Saint Nick...ohh, Santa Claus! I'll fly all over the world in one night, even though we all live in different fuc#ing time zones and COUNTRIES." So this was just done in one an out of shape pale/colored white guy with deers!?
Where were you the first time you watched Friday the 13th?
Remember when MTV, VH1, and BET showed videos?
Who rocked Bugle Boy Jeans?
Where do I want to retire?
Who in the hell came up with Marriage?
Why is it that in America, we are SO over consumed with religion, and all that it "represents". Yet, we have a separation of Church and State and we think anyone is crazy who says they "speak/spoke to God"?
Why are there SO many Churches and Liquor stores in predominately Black communities?
The End.
Dwayne L. Shephard
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Random Thoughts

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Questions? Part I

Who in the hell started this new version of the sag--you know the "show your entire ass" phenomenon? Who the f@#$ started this and when is it going to end?
Isn't Karma a bitch?
When are we as African Americans going to get rid of the "crab mentality" and then rid ALL of our communities of violence, drugs, and financial exporting?
Who the hell thought of the name Montana?
What happened to the soul, passion, creativity, professionalism, and love for music?
Anyone have doubts now?-Congrats to Kathryn Bigelow-first woman to ever win the Best Director Academy Award.
After Facebook and Twitter, what's next?
Why can't we just appreciate the man/woman holding our heart daily, instead of having the relationship deteriorate, then finally seeing the full value of their worth and importance to your existence?
Why aren't the men and women in uniform praised DAILY, instead of on a few holidays or when a war is beginning? Pisses me off!
Have you ever looked at a stranger and just wondered what their life was actually like daily?
Ever wish you could go back in time and be a kid again?
Why aren't artists such as: Eric Roberson, The Foreign Exchange, Esparanza Spalding, Elane Elias, The Roots, Res, Conya Doss, and Chris Botti (to name a few) aren't the Diamond Selling artist, making 50 million a year, and being adored the world over? These are examples of true musicians!
I guess that's enough for Part I huh?
Dwayne L.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Poem: Inveigle Me Baby

Inveigle Me Baby
You had me going Ms Lady I must say
Played me in every conceivable way...
Up...down....side to side....round & round
Had me feeling as if I were doing flips while standing on solid ground
Hmm...You were good...nah, scratch that, you are good
Good at manipulation, you and your narcissistic ways
Great at fucking up seconds, minutes, hours, hell, whole sunny days
Your attempts to win me back are futile...
My panacea with to get away, miles...
What did I do to deserve this?
Don’t get me wrong, I know the answer, but I want to hear your rationale and justification for being who you are?
Oh...this should be good....I wonder if I have the "Inveigle Me Baby" look on my face...I doubt it....but hey....
Oh snap, she's going for the "looking down at the ground, with the expression of death and remorse on her face" face...she's going for gusto.
As I stand my mind I’m screaming, "Go ahead yo!" but my external demeanor is as cool as the 14th of January near Lake Michigan...She starts with...."I just...I don’t I...."
You can stop right see, the left side and right side of your brain are doing a dance in search of answers...yet, I don’t hear any music
I'll tell you how things are how they are...
You’re a Vain, Myopic, Neurotic, and Caustic girl posing as a would not know love, commitment, honor or sacrifice if it walked up and said hello I’m all of the aforementioned...yet you wanted to walk with my heart in tow?
See, I’m okay now, because you taught me what NOT to look for in love, and its okay, because this moment of jackassery was needed to discover the real he, who is searching for the real she. So I want to say thank you mami...thank you for fake loving me, fake needing me, for all the fakes ...without you, I'd never know what to look for when I do decide to look for real love....thank you for being that lady, thank you for the Inveigle Baby.
R.I.P Clearance Flint--March 10th 1954-March 9th 2010

What's up my man...I'm pissed that I'm not going to see you anymore, but its just your time. I know in instances like this we tend to question why, but no, I'm going to think of the great thoughts and rejoice in the times we shared. You were not a man of many words and some would look at you as "different" but you were a brother to some, an uncle to many, and a man of God and that's all that counts. There were times I'd wonder "What would have Unc's life been like if he's had the chance too..." I never seemed to find whatever image, sentence, or movie as an answer, and I'm sure those thoughts will become even more active after your passing.
But know this: you had a heart, a life, and a family who will always love and think of you. I know in the today's views your life may not have left the biggest mark, but to me, you lived as you were designed, and you always, always had a smile. I told you to take care of yourself and that I loved you the last time I saw you and you shook my hand and said the same. Remember how I used to always come into town and as soon as I saw you, you'd offer that right hand and say "Hey there Dwayne" and I'd always respond "dude, I don't take your handshakes, you better give me a hug"? I'd settle for that handshake right now.
I love you Uncle Clearance.
Dwayne L. Shephard

Thanks for visiting!
Dwayne L. Shephard