Shout Out

Shout out to Landon Donovan and Team USA!! For winning your Group and making us so proud. You guys have all of my support for the remainder of the World Cup, now beat Ghana!! USA! USA !USA!

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Questions? Part IV

Why are so many parents so damn obnoxious at their kid's soccer games?

When was the last time you did something that made you happy?

Am I the only one who loves the NFL, but can't stand how they get more press and attention that any of the other pro sports?

Anyone else SO thankful that the DVR was created?

If you aren't close to but a few in your family, does that make your life less fulfilled?

Where would Aaliyah be in her career if she hadn't died so young?  (R.I.P. Baby girl)

Why do I see myself retiring in New England--New Hampshire to be exact?

Seriously, did Halle and Billy Bob REALLY go there in "Monster's Ball"?

Why is it that in Hollywood movies, you can shoot a shotgun like 73 times before you conduct a re-load?

How can the politicians even be cordial with each other, when they go out of their respective ways to be so nasty and cutthroat?

Why is it that nearly every black community, in every city, look exactly as it did 30 years ago?

Do some of our black entertainers realize that they are actually "Influencing" what comes out of our communities tomorrow?

Seriously, when is reality T.V. going to end?

Why did Chili from TLC even play herself and get a reality show looking for love?  Doesn't she, and everyone else in America, know that you find true love when you AREN'T looking for it?

I think i'm done asking questions....

Dwayne L.

1 comment:

Shanel said...

great questions.... I would answer a few of them but that would make for a pretty long comment... so I'll refrain... more questions please:)


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