Shout Out

Shout out to Landon Donovan and Team USA!! For winning your Group and making us so proud. You guys have all of my support for the remainder of the World Cup, now beat Ghana!! USA! USA !USA!

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Red Sox Nation

I love the Boston Red Sox.  I mean LOVE them.  My birth certificate says Queens, New York on it and means nothing when it comes to my team.  I started rooting for them because I remember as a kid feeling bad for Bill Buckner and the ridicule he was taking for the "Play" that occured in 86.  Since the start of the '87 season, I have rode with them.  I always will.  From Pedro, to Nomaahhh, to Aaron "Fu*king" Boone, I've been there.  I shed a tear when Teddy Ballgame was introduced at the 99 All Star game.  Couldn't sleep when Boone tore my heart out in game 7.  Switched from jersey to jersey trying to give the team some love during the 19-8 massacre, cried like a baby when we won in 04 and again in 07.  I could go on and on with my love for the Sox, but I don't have too.  Anyone who knows me, knows that the Red Sox mean more to me in the sports world than any team.  The Cavaliers are running second, but I doubt I'll be in tears when they win the 'chip this season.  When Boston Keith Foulke got the last out in 04, I ran outside, shoe/sockless, with a bottle of champagne, and screaming so loud, that it woke my all of my neighbors.  And pissed off my wife at the time.  I am a CARD CARRYING member of Red Sox Nation...

I just love my team.

Dwayne L.

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