Shout Out

Shout out to Landon Donovan and Team USA!! For winning your Group and making us so proud. You guys have all of my support for the remainder of the World Cup, now beat Ghana!! USA! USA !USA!

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Red Sox Nation

I love the Boston Red Sox.  I mean LOVE them.  My birth certificate says Queens, New York on it and means nothing when it comes to my team.  I started rooting for them because I remember as a kid feeling bad for Bill Buckner and the ridicule he was taking for the "Play" that occured in 86.  Since the start of the '87 season, I have rode with them.  I always will.  From Pedro, to Nomaahhh, to Aaron "Fu*king" Boone, I've been there.  I shed a tear when Teddy Ballgame was introduced at the 99 All Star game.  Couldn't sleep when Boone tore my heart out in game 7.  Switched from jersey to jersey trying to give the team some love during the 19-8 massacre, cried like a baby when we won in 04 and again in 07.  I could go on and on with my love for the Sox, but I don't have too.  Anyone who knows me, knows that the Red Sox mean more to me in the sports world than any team.  The Cavaliers are running second, but I doubt I'll be in tears when they win the 'chip this season.  When Boston Keith Foulke got the last out in 04, I ran outside, shoe/sockless, with a bottle of champagne, and screaming so loud, that it woke my all of my neighbors.  And pissed off my wife at the time.  I am a CARD CARRYING member of Red Sox Nation...

I just love my team.

Dwayne L.

I Think I'm Becoming A Fan Of....

I love Josh McDaniels.  He is a head coach who leads, is feisty, compassionate, hungry, and smart.  I love Tim Tebow.  He is true to who he is.  He's a role model, a winner, a leader, and has the work ethic needed to lead any team as its quarterback.  I've never had a team that I rooted for specifically in the NFL and I don't know why, but I know that the intangibles that McDaniels and Tebow bring to the table, may be swaying me.
I've followed the Cleveland Cavaliers since '87, The Red Sox since '87, and Notre Dame Football since '88.  But I've never had an NFL team to call my own....ever.  I think that may be changing, and I may be leading the cheers for the Broncos from here on out.

Dwayne L.

Questions? Part IV

Why are so many parents so damn obnoxious at their kid's soccer games?

When was the last time you did something that made you happy?

Am I the only one who loves the NFL, but can't stand how they get more press and attention that any of the other pro sports?

Anyone else SO thankful that the DVR was created?

If you aren't close to but a few in your family, does that make your life less fulfilled?

Where would Aaliyah be in her career if she hadn't died so young?  (R.I.P. Baby girl)

Why do I see myself retiring in New England--New Hampshire to be exact?

Seriously, did Halle and Billy Bob REALLY go there in "Monster's Ball"?

Why is it that in Hollywood movies, you can shoot a shotgun like 73 times before you conduct a re-load?

How can the politicians even be cordial with each other, when they go out of their respective ways to be so nasty and cutthroat?

Why is it that nearly every black community, in every city, look exactly as it did 30 years ago?

Do some of our black entertainers realize that they are actually "Influencing" what comes out of our communities tomorrow?

Seriously, when is reality T.V. going to end?

Why did Chili from TLC even play herself and get a reality show looking for love?  Doesn't she, and everyone else in America, know that you find true love when you AREN'T looking for it?

I think i'm done asking questions....

Dwayne L.

Video Of The Day: Tears For Fears-Head Over Heels

Probably my favorite song ever...and one of my favorite groups ever...lyrics at its finest.

Dwayne L.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why I Love LeBron James and the Cavaliers

That's my team
Dwayne L.

Why I LOVE ESPN's SportsNation

Here are just a few examples (videos) of my new favorite show on ESPN.
Dwayne L.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Video Of The Day: Jamiroquai-Dynamite

One of my favorite groups, singing one of my favorite songs. Go ahead, you can dance--I know you want to.

Dwayne L.

R.I.P. Keith "Guru" Elam July 17th 1962-April 19th 2010

Not sure how many of you are aware, but the Hip-Hop community lost one of its brightest stars this past Monday.  Keith "Guru" Elam, was a founding member of the Hip-Hop group Gang Starr, along with DJ Premier, and when I was younger, I thought no other rapper was cooler.  When you talk about someone having a command presence, and the ability to hold his own, Guru had it. I remember seeing the video for "Words That I Manifest" for the first time and thinking  "this Malcolm X looking cat is cool"--and their dancers are killing it (I had all of those moves down to the letter). 

Although not regarded as one of the best lyricist of all times, he actually was.  He had the flow, command, metaphors, and punchlines to hold his own with any MC of the day.  True, the production he and Premier wove together tended to outshine the content of his rhymes, but he was one of the greats.  Need proof, go back and listen to songs like " You Know My Steez", "Royalty", and "Just To Get A Rep" to name a few and tell me if I'm wrong. 

I remember the first time I saw "Mass Appeal" on Yo! MTV Raps, and I was just taken by how cool and fly he was.  The way he rocked he just went for his on the track and the swagger he displayed was so raw and under-appreciated.  He and Premo were a dynamic duo, but I truly believe he will forever be remembered for the genre-altering "Jazzmatazz" albums.  He was the first hip hop artist to combine a live jazz band with hip hop production and rapping.  It was also the first project to feature established rappers, opposed to the standard of using ones crew or posse to rhyme on an album.  At that time, the thought of hearing a rapper spit over the compositions of a Branford Marsalis, Ronny Jordan, and Roy Ayers, was unheard of. Its risks such as this, that will forever make him a legend. 

It's so funny how we tend not to appreciate greatness when its walking the earth with us, but I know his music will live on forever, because it was real music and was the soundtrack to many of our lives as we grew up in urban America.  Guru is all over my iPod and i'm sure that as I get older, I will continue to further appreciate and love the music he left behind.  Guru was actually a bacronym for Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal--and you know what, he had it and was it.

Rest in Peace Guru

Dwayne L.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today is one of those days I just want to scream! April has not been a good month for me, nor is it going to end on the perfect accord. I guess all of the rough times you suffer through tend to either make you want to quit or persevere. I know I'm going to make it-- it just seems harder than it is right now--but my time is coming-- I just need to invoke some patience. Its just when you surfer through ALL I have over the last few years, patience just seems more like annoyance.

Who knows what tomorrow holds, but I just hope that when I do get the chance to see said tomorrow, its better than my previous 1,000 yesterdays.

Thanks for listening.
Dwayne L.

Video Of The Day: The Akron Hammer gives James Johnson a DUNKFACE!

In the words of Kenny Smith of TNT "Ohh, Take some of that!!"

Dwayne L.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Video Of The Day: Chuckii Booker-Turned Away

Takes you back to the days of Video Soul huh?  I know it does....

Dwayne L.


Sometimes, I need to write to let it all out.  At this particular moment, I'm not sure what I want to get out, but this forum always helps.  This past weekend I spent time between fighting old feelings, watching basketball (LOVES THE NBA PLAYOFFS!), and spending time with my daughter.  I had a conversation on Friday and the entire topic was based off of the saying "Hindsight is 20/20", and its so true.  If you had the chance to go back in time and change all of the mistakes you've made, would you?  Personally, I wouldn't change ALL of the mistakes, but the major few that i've made I would.  Why, because of my daughter.  There is nothing better than being a parent, especially one whom lives in the same residence as their child. 

That mistake (I'll let you read between the lines) is the one mulligan I would correct.  I am a dedicated, loving, and attentive father, and I love this role.  But, if I could be all of the aforementioned, but at home with her daily, I'd give anything to not have made the decision to divorce my ex-wife.  I have a nice amount of regret that will forever follow me in that regard, forever, but I welcome it.  Why, you ask?  Because, that terrible decision shaped me forever in the right way.  It made me appreciate true love, and companionship--and I miss that daily.  I know that whenever I meet my future lover, I will be all that I am supposed to be and more, and I am happy about that.  There is nothing better than growing from a situation that can be life-altering, and that one was.

On to other topics;  I think I have FINALLY, after several years of searching, found my calling--well, partially.  There is another goal I want to take on, and it won't hamper me from achieving the former, but I am excited as hell.  I've been talking about these new found "discoveries" ad nauseum with whomever is within earshot.  And the feedback has been completely positive.  Finding a passion--or in my case two-- is so awesome.  Its liberating, exciting, and terrifying all at the same time, yet, I finally feel free.  Free to go and obtain all that I long for and paving a path that will define my life and legacy forever.  That makes me feel great.  I know I tend to be vague when it comes to describing anything, but hey, It's in my DNA.

Anyway, thanks for reading/listening, and in the words of the legendary group U2 "I still haven't found what I'm looking for"  but at least I know where to start looking now.

Dwayne L.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

All Together

It's that time.  That time of the year that seems to cause me so much heartache.  As any true sports fan will tell you, the playoffs are the most exciting and gut-wrenching time of the year.  The time when you're on the edge of your seat and the emotions of the games flow in a myriad of ways.  Personally, I don't take my Cavs losing that well.  Not even in the regular season, but during this time of year, a loss causes me to lose the ability to eat and sleep.  I know, I know, its crazy, especially since I don't "play" for the team, but that's the beauty of it all.  I give them all the support as if I were in the arena or a player in that locker room myself.
After having the league's best road and home record (second season in a row for both) and LeBron's impending free agency, there is so much pressure on 'Bron and the team as a whole, that I can feel it oozing from my computer screen. 
I love the Cavaliers with all of my sporting/cheering heart, and I will ride with them win or lose, but I CANNOT take another loss as I did last year.  It was hard to watch television, or to even have a clear thought after that series.  But I know this year will be different.  It will be.  That nasty taste of last season's loss, and the additions that have arrived to assist the king, are all that I (we) need to get by.  LeBron said it best yesterday "You're about to see a monster unlike any other in this year's playoffs" and I know he means it. 

This year's playoff rally cry is "All Together" and although I am just a fan, I am all in with this team and no matter how it ends, they will have my loyalty....but please God let us win it this season--I can't suffer another loss like last season...and neither can they.

Dwayne L.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Video Of The Day: Erykah Badu-Turn Away From Me (Get Munny)

 Nothing to say--this song is bananas.

Dwayne L. Shephard


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